Vigorous Exercise ‘cuts Chance Of Flu’ By Around 10%

And only 17% of those infected felt ill enough to visit their GP. Over the winter flu season, 4.7% of people were believed to have flu compared to 6% the previous year. Some 5% of children were reported to have flu, compared to almost 8% the previous year. More research will need to be done p90X3 workouts into the effects of vigorous exercise in warding off the flu, but fresh data shows it can help reduce the chance of catching it, experts have said. Dr Alma Adler, research fellow at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, explained: We’re really interested in the preliminary findings around fitness activity and flu-like illness, as exercise is something that everyone can do to reduce your chance of having flu.
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Exercise becoming a new frontier in efforts to battle cognitive decline – KAIT-Jonesboro, AR-News, weather, sports

Marcus Dobson (foreground) of Clemmons, N.C., adjusts his machine while Bunny Fontrier (rear) of Winston-Salem, N.C., chats with staff member Hector Hernandez Saucedo during an exercise session at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center’s Sticht Center for Aging.

And it’s critical that we find some answers in terms of prevention and cures.” The brain, just like other parts of the body, changes as it ages. That process can affect the functioning of neurons, the cells in the brain responsible for the way people think. “It’s a complicated metabolic pathway we still do not yet fully understand,” Wilson said. Although the percentages have held steady, the number of dementia cases is up because of the rising number of elderly in the United States. It’s estimated that 5 percent of the population will have dementia by age 65.
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